Its a new service from google,they call it an email replacement.
what happens here is you basically write a message which is called a wave,its the convergence of email and IM.
if one is online he will be able to see the message right away and reply to it.
in addition you can just drag n drop an image or post a video url and it will play inside the window itself.
Then you can use google maps to show a place to the other person etc.
Best of all, multiple people can join a single wave and have a conference, all the time using all these features
then there are gadgets which you can add inside like chess, sudoku and similar stuff just to pass your time
OK, so just a general conversation in not a very good English. So why I write this is, there are a lot of people out there who want an invite. I have 6 invites, just ask me for one if you want. Just leave a comment over here with your email ID.
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